Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Scales

I've been in Boise for the last week. Right before I went, I was at another Dr's and weighed in on his scales since he said he just had them calibrated and guess what? I weighed what my scales said and NOT what my weight Dr's scales said!!!!

Here's the question??? Do I tell my weight Dr that his scales are off???

1 comment:

megan said...

Yes! I hate how we're just supposed to take what the Dr.'s scales say. Once I was at the Dr.'s and it said I was like ten pounds more and I was like, "Whoa, that's not right!" and they said, "Really?" and then fiddled around and twisted some knob on the top and then when I got back on it was right - but my question is, how many people got on there before me and felt awful because it said they were ten pounds heavier?