Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Tomorrow at this time I will be in the car with Jim driving to the hospital - I can't believe that I'm almost there!!

A neighbor of mine came over the other night and commented on how calm I am about having the operation. I started thinking about it and you know what, I am calm! I know it will be hard for the first few months but I won't know of the emotional side of it until I deal with it. Kinda reminds me of labor/delivery - friends could tell me their experiences but I really didn't understand until I went through it!

I'm hoping and praying that taking this path in my life I will become healthy and then be able to help others that go through the same trials that I have.

Life is good!

1 comment:

The Stig and The Pickle said...

Good luck with everything Debbie. It was so good to see that you found my and Zach's blog and congratulations about Krissy getting married, how exciting. You sound like you are happy and doing well. We all love and miss all of you. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow.