Friday, May 29, 2009

I did it!!!

I'm post-op 2 days now. Things are going pretty good for me. I did have to make a run to the ER today because of abnormal bleeding but thankfully I was able to come back home. If it continues I have to call my Dr.

If I were asked what the ickiest thing about the whole experience was, I would have to say it was coming out of the anesthesic. Debbie doesn't do that well! Once I got that out of my system, I was good to go. I only had to spend one night at the hospital and during that night I was able to walk the halls a lot, and I enjoyed it.

It is true, one isn't hungry after bariatric surgery so. I have to be conscientious about eating all three meals and eating each meal in a 25 min. time frame. I never dreamed I could stretch out eating 1/4 cup of jello like that!! I'm not on regular food yet - won't be for a few weeks. But, I can have egg drop soup and Jim went and got me some tonight and all I could tell you is that IT WAS DIVINE!


Carlie and Ryan Skinner said...

congrats! i can't wait to see pictures! take it easy and enjoy your jello:)

Patria said...

thanks for your comments aunt debbie! wow- i'm glad surgery went well and that you're feeling good. it seems like i know more and more people having good success with this procedure. all the best to you! love, patria

Kevin Pratt said...

I've been craving egg-drop soup...wonder if I can get kevin to get me some. Doubt it.