Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Update Update

I'm leaving to go see my Grandbabies for about 3 weeks but before going I thought I'd announce that I have lost 55 pounds!!!

I have found if something doesn't agree with my new stomach, up it comes!! I've barfed more since the bypass than I have all the years Jim and I have been married up to that point!! Even at that, I would do it again and again because it is way worth it. For so many years of my life food was my everything - get togethers, stress, PMS, fun times and boredom to name a few. Now food means nothing to me except to give my body the energy it needs to get throughout the day - wierd grounds for me.

I can't wait to report how I do after being on vacation....Best to all of you!!

1 comment:

Doralee said...

Congratulations! I saw you Sunday and you look GREAT!! Have a wonderful time with the grandchildren.